Chris Simion-Mercurian is one of the most accomplished Romanian directors and writers from the young generation. In the world of theater, Chris is known as an avant-garde director.
Her shows are challenging both for the actors she is working with, and for her audience. Up until now, Chris directed over 30 theater productions and she worked both with the most prestigious actors, and young talents.
About theater...

Copyright© – Courtesy of Chris Simion-Mercurian
The impressive list of her productions includes: Copilul divin (The divine kid) after Pascal Bruckner (1999), Scaunele (Chairs) after Eugene Ionesco (2004), Dragostea durează 3 ani (Love lasts 3 years) after Frédéric Beigbeder (2006), Şi caii se împuşcă, nu-i aşa? ( Horses can be shot, too) after Horace McCoy (2007), Omul pescăruş (The Seagull Man) after Pescăruşul (Seagull) Jonathan Livingstone by Richard Bach (2009), 7 blesteme (7 Curses) (2010), Maitreyi after Mircea Eliade (2011), Oscar şi Tanti Roz (Oscar and Aunt Rose) after Eric Emmanuel Schmitt (2010), Hoţii de frumuseţe (The Thieves of Beauty) after Pascal Bruckner (2013), Mecanica inimii (The Mechanics of the Heart) after Mathias Malzieu (2013), Hell after Lolita Pille (2014), Studii despre iubire (Studies about Love) after Ortega y Gasset (2014).
Chris is also heading for 15 years the Theater Company D’AYA (, a private and innovative project, initiated by the famous French writer Pascal Bruckner, who later became the Honorary President of the company. She is also the President of the Independent Theater Festival Undercloud ( ) and in 2015 she has launched her own brand- Chris Simion Theatre & More.
About literature...
She is also a talented and prodigious writer; her first book has been released in 1994, when she was only 16 years old! In 2009 she became a member of the Romanian Writers Union.

Copyright© – Courtesy of Chris Simion-Mercurian
A year after the release of her first book, “Dragostea nu moare. O concluzie la 16 ani” (en: Love is not dying. A conclusion at 16), her second book was published, “Dogmatica fericirii” (Happiness Dogmatic). In the next years, she continued with “Disperarea de a fi” in 1996 (Desperation of being); “De ce nu suntem ceea ce putem fi?” in 1997 (Why aren’t we what we can be?); “Spovedania unui condamnat” in 1998/2000 (Confession of a convict); “În fiecare zi, Dumnezeu se roagă la mine” in 2002 (Every day, God prays to me) and “Ce ne spunem când nu ne vorbim” in 2010 (What are we saying when we are not talking).