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This is how to Make a Difference

By 18/05/2019April 17th, 2020No Comments

By giving the chance to a normal life…

A story about love and kindness, determination, fight for a good cause,  perseverance and above all, faith

This story is about Camelia, a skilful kineto-therapist and former handball player, with a big heart and a compassionate soul, who loves to help people in need. From new-born babies, to teenagers, mature people who went through accidents and older people with different medical issues, she is trying hard to help every single one of them, by giving them back the hope to a normal life. For most of her patients (disappointed by the medical system, who never gave them any chance to walk, talk or think ever again) Camelia is the last hope…

"I have chosen for myself a very tough job but it is such a beautiful and rewarding one, because it gives me the chance to help my patients who see me as their last hope for healing and recovery..."

Camelia Aholtoaie

All started when Camelia was a professional athlete and went herself through a lot of accidents over the years. Her team didn’t have a kineto-therapist so she treated her injuries, at that time, in a very empirical way. But it made her realize the crucial importance and relevance of such an expert and later on, she decided to follow this particular career path.

Since her graduation, 22 years have passed by and every case was both a life lesson and a professional lesson for her. She had so many cases when the classical medical system saw only slim chances for recovery, while kineto-therapy succeeded and gave patients the hope for a normal life, among family and society alike, and by this, preventing their abandon.

This area of expertise covers both the medical therapy and the profilaxy part. Camelia has chosen a very difficult area – neurology – but decided to keep accepting also the patients who need medical recovery after surgery.

I face tough cases*, with patients who suffered different brain injuries or spinal cord injuries. These people are depending, unfortunately, very much on their families due to the fact that they are paralysed, in different stages”, says Camelia.

*Children who were born with different malformations or deformities or they got them at a later stage, after being born.

All these situations ask for long-term treatments and care, through kineto-therapy, the only one who can solve their problems. For example, for a brain vascular accident which determines the paralysis of a certain body part(s), the recovery can be long and very challenging.

I had a 43-years old patient who suffered a severe brain vascular accident (stroke) and was in coma for 11 days. Miraculously, her body recovered but not entirely, so she was left paralysed, for half of her body, and on top - severe speaking difficulties. After only a few months of intensive treatments at home, she recovered but she wanted to continue the treatments in the clinic, for a full and complete recovery and because she understood how important the exercise is for her body. Her progress was amazing even for the medical staff who watched her after the accident and during the treatments!
This is the case who gave me the most beautiful lesson of all, about determination, fight for a good cause, trust, perseverence and above all, faith”.

Another example, a little boy with curved legs, congenitally. I started to work with this boy when he was only 2 weeks old, so when he was 1,5 years old, he was able to walk alone!

Camelia has so many examples of patients she helped not only as a therapist and medical expert, but also with financial resources. Because the biggest issue is not the medical issue at hand, but the poor financial status of the majority of her patients. They are coming from social challenged categories, so they can’t afford to cover the entire cost of treatment. And Camelia, with her big heart, is doing the impossible possible, by offering to all of her patients the same care, attention and love, regardless of their financial situation.

In various cases, Camelia asked her family and friends to support with donations and sponsorships, for her patients financial challenged. She opened her own practice in Bacau city with the help of her beloved sister, the world famous handball player Narcisa Lecusanu, and for equipments she accessed UE Funds, and on top – sponsorships. I am one of her friends who helped some of her patients, because I believe everybody deserves a second chance to a normal life and Camelia is doing exactly this for her patients!

Camelia is such an inspiration for all of us!

  • 22 years experience as Kineto-therapist
  • More than 400 patients cared for
  • 15-20 patients treated daily!

For all Good Doers out there, your support is more than welcome, as donations, sponsorships, partnerships etc, every small gesture counts:

BLISS Association
Fiscal Code: 15962380

For EUR:

RO58BTRL00401209933691XX, Transilvania Bank
Beneficiary/Titular: Camelia Aholtoaie

For RON:

RO12BTRL 00401205533651XX, Banca Transilvania
Beneficiary/Titular: Camelia Aholtoaie

Camelia and her patients thank you very much for giving them the chance to a normal life, in family and society!

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