Ioana Uretu aims to offer meaningful gifts and make people happy
with Books, Sweets and Flowers
Ioana is a true inspiration, a real Happiness Entrepreneur! In 2013 she left behind a promising career in a multinational company to start her own business named “Books, Sweets and Flowers”, a unique concept for gifts and rewards, named after her three hobbies.

Inspiration, courage to follow her dreams and the desire to make people happy – are the key- ingredients of Ioana’s business success.
Her business model combines a strong online offering with an inspired offline flagship store, where the magic happens?.
Ioana has recently opened the doors of her magic space, an atelier of flowers and desserts, for all kinds of creative workshops. It is a lovely space which inspires creativity, inducing happiness and joy.
”I mean ... how could somebody be gloomy when surrounded by beautiful and colorful flowers, mouth-watering sweets and inspiring books? Not me, for sure:)
In this warm and cozy atelier, Ioana brings people together for flower therapy workshops, books clubs and baking classes and helps people create something beautiful, unique and really special! She is, definitely, one of the special people who are shining from inside-out, spreading positive energy wherever they go.
Ioana knows, from her own experience, how powerful the flowers are, to decrease the level of stress, to calm the nerves and induce the feeling of calm and happiness.
And as participant at one of Ioana’s flower therapy workshops, I can confirm it is a unique, beautiful and totally relaxing experience! I enjoyed every minute of the workshop, on a Saturday morning, in her special atelier, in the middle of flowers and books, pampered by Ioana and her team with delicious sweets and being surrounded by smiling faces of the other happy participants…
Here you can see the amazing outcome of one such workshop. It is a pity you can’t smell them…
Ioana is now ready to upgrade her Happiness business, planning wonderful flower therapy masterclasses & retreats all over the world, under the motto “Let your Inner Self blossom“!
Here you can find details & register for the next one, held in a French Chateau, in Grasse:
It promises to be a truly unique flower & fragrances experience in a lovely chateau, called „the small Versailles”, a south of France landmark, built by a famous perfumer…